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3 How to Allah SWT Watching

For fear of thieves visited, the residents of a housing lease or Hansip guards. But theft still happens sometimes though Civil Defense is paid. This can happen if the Civil Defense was off guard or asleep, so the thief can do the action. Civil Defense was also a human being!
What about the All-Knowing? Allah SWT men watched 24 hours a day or every second there is no guard. In doing surveillance, there are 3 ways in which God Almighty:


Allah SWT directly supervise. No half-hearted, the Creator we are always with us wherever and whenever it. When the three of us, then He is the fourth. When the five of us, then He is the sixth (Surat al Mujadilah 7). Even God Almighty we are very close to that is closer than our neck muscles. qs-qaaf-16.gif
"And We are nearer to him than his jugular vein." (Qur'an qaaf 16)


Supervise Almighty God through the angel.
"When the two angels recorded deeds, a seat on the right and the others sat on the left." (Qur'an Qaaf 17)
Both these angels will record all the deeds of our good deeds or bad, big or small. Nothing left. Notes are then recorded and submitted to us (Surat al-Kahf 49).


Allah SWT conduct surveillance through ourselves. When later later died then a member of our body like hands and feet will be a witness for us. We will not have control over these limbs to give true testimony.
"On this day we shut their mouths and speak to us, their hands and their feet to give kesaksianlah for what they have earned." (Surat Yaasiin 65)
In conclusion, we would not be able to live off wherever and whenever it from the control of God Almighty. There is no time to do maksiyat. There is no place to deny Allah SWT. Be assured that the slightest action will be recorded and will be questioned by Allah SWT Day of reckoning later.
Bish showab Allaah knows best.
prepared from lecture ust. Zaki

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3 advice

Prophet Muhammad never gave advice to three second sehabatnya Dzar Jundub ibn Abu Junadah and Abu Abdurrahman ibn Jabal:

"Fear Allah wherever you are, and follow with a good fault he shall be abolished. And accompany people with commendable morals. "HR. Tirmidhi
Rasulullah saw three messages is feasible for us to consider because it is so closely related to our lives everyday.
1 - devoted WHERE ARE THE
The definition of the word taqwa can be seen from a conversation between friends Omar and bin Ka'b Ubay ra. One time a friend Umar asked Ubay ibn Ka'b is taqwa that? He replied: "Have you ever been through a thorny path?" 'Umar replied: "Never!" Ubay said, "Then what are you doing?"' Umar replied: "I was careful, alert and full of seriousness." So Ubay said: "So so are godly! "
Sayyid Qutub were according to the commentary-Fi Zhilal al-Qur `an-taqwa is the sensitivity of the heart, sensitivity, sense of constant worry and beware of all the thorns or obstacles in life.
If there is a soft drink ad: "Where, anytime ...", then the Prophet's advice was to show that we have devoted anywhere. Godly orders are there any in the letter Ali Imron 102:

"O ye who believe, fear Allah really true piety to Him, and let not the time you die, but in a Muslim state"
So wherever and whenever we have to keep our faith. Taqwa wherever it's hard to do and have the work done must be extra hard. It would be very easy faith was achieved when we are with others, but if nobody else will be implemented maksiyat. For example, when we gathered in an assembly of remembrance, our thoughts and views will be properly maintained. But when we walk alone in a shopping place, then the thoughts and views we can not awake. To keep our faith wherever it, then we realized the need for supervision of Allah SWT will either directly or through his angels.
2 GOODNESS that eliminated FAULT
Everyone is always making mistakes. Today we may well have made a mistake and we realize that we are not aware of. Therefore, as soon as we do mistakes, do good. Kindness can eliminate mistakes that have been made.
For the sin that will harm yourself, then one way to remove it is to charity. Rasulullah SAW said "it was clear error for alms as the water put out the fire". Then there are those who when he was sick and he will give alms to the disease get well soon. This is because all the diseases that we have it is because the mistakes we've done.
Medium sins committed against other people then you need to do is apologize that for some people is very difficult to do. Whereas the Prophet Muhammad always apologize even when guilty of Ibn Umm Maktum he embraced him warmly and said "This is the one, which I reprimanded by Allah ... (Surat Abasa)". After apologizing and then take things gifts or food to these people, then the error, God willing, will be abolished.
3 - Akhlaq the Blessed

Akhlaq commendable is the necessity of every Muslim. Not have morality will be able to bring someone in hellfire. From several types of our morality on others, who need to pay attention to the morality of the neighbors.

"He who believes in Allah and the Last Day should not harm his neighbor." (Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim and Ibn Majah)

From Abu Shurayh ra, the Prophet Muhammad said: "For God's sake someone does not believe, For God's sake someone does not believe, For God's sake someone does not believe." Someone asked: "Who is that O Messenger of Allah?" A Prophet: "It is a neighbor not safe from interference. "(Narrated by Bukhari)
Of these hadith, Allah is strict warning to be repeated three times is not one of those faithful to the neighbors who are not safe from interference. So sometimes we need to instropeksi by asking neighbors if we disturb them.
Wallahua'lam bish showab.

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prayer in the month ramadhan

Rules for the month of Ramadan shoum established by God in surah Al-Baqarah from verses 183 to paragraph 187. Almost all these verses are shoum words:
  • (Al Baqarah 183)
  • (Al Baqarah 184)
  • (Al Baqarah 185)
  • (Al Baqarah 187)
Only 186 verses that do not contain the word shoum:

"And when the servants of my asking you about Me, then (answer), I am near. I grant the request of people who pray when he pleaded to me, then let them meet (my commandments) and let them believe in me, so they are always in truth. "

The placement of this verse among the verses of Ramadan shoum not without purpose. If asbabun Nuzul judging from this paragraph is concerned with coming to a Bedouin Arab Prophet asked: "Does our Lord is near, so we can munajat / pleaded with him, or far away, so we had to call him?" The Prophet SAW silent, to go down this verse. (Narrated by Ibn Jarir, Ibn Abi Hatim, Ibn Marduwaih, Abussyaikh etc.).

According to another report, this verse the word out about the Prophet Muhammad: "Do not be discouraged in prayer, because God Almighty has said, 'Ud'uni astajib lakum' (pray ye unto Me, I'm sure mengijabahnya)" (Surah 40:60 ). Said one of them: "O Messenger of Allah! Does God hear our prayers or what? "In response, this verse came down (Narrated by Ibn 'Asaakir sourced from Ali.)

According to Sayyid Qutb in his book Fii Zhilalil Quran, God's direct answer about the existence of very close and directly said that he will grant all our prayers. In this verse there are three requirements for the receipt of a prayer. First, the prayer should be offered to him directly. So let us pray to God's creatures as a genie, graves or trees. And if prayer will be better if the prayer is spoken directly to him. The second requirement of the prayer is that we must fulfill all the commandments of Allah SWT. Like when a child should follow the advice / orders the parents to get what they want. The third condition was that we must believe in Him so that our prayers be accepted.

186 Although this paragraph does not contain the words shoum, but the placement of this verse shows the importance we pray during Ramadan. This is in accordance with the hadeeth of the Prophet Muhammad:
"People who have fasting prayer efficacious at the time of breaking." (Reported by Imam Abu Dawud)

Or in another hadith, the Prophet SAW said:
"There are three people who will not be denied her prayer is a fair leader, people who break their fast that he and those who are persecuted. Their prayers are appointed by God under the cloud on the Day of Resurrection, and opened for him the gates of heaven and God says, 'For my glory, I will help you even after a time' "(History of Imam Ahmad, Tirmidhi, and Ibn Majah Nasai)

Thus, the urgency of prayer in the month of Ramadan because it increases the likelihood that our prayers be accepted. Perbanyaklah So we pray in the month of Ramadan. May Allah Almighty accept our prayers.
Wallahua'lam bish showab.
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Memorizing and Understanding the importance of Al - Quran

Al Quran was revealed to Muhammad the Prophet Muhammad during the 23 years of his apostolate. Al Quran in down gradually to the Prophet Muhammad through the angel Gabriel. The angel Gabriel sent down the Quran to the Prophet's heart and he went immediately understand. This is mentioned in Al-Quran surah Al-Baqarah (2): 97.

Say: "Whoever is an enemy of Gabriel, and Gabriel had been lowered (Al Quran) to thy heart by Allah's leave, confirming what (the books) before and as guidance and glad tidings for those who believe."
Then the Prophet Muhammad that the Qur'an teaches to his followers. They write on the leaf midrib leaves, stones, bones, etc.. At that time there has been no paper like this modern era. Then the Companions memorized it and remove it immediately. Koranic Demkian; of the teach-Companions of the Companions others. Al Quran understood by rote. Not by mere reading.
At the time of the Prophet had died, many wars occurred. In war Yamamah example, many of the friends of martyr pemghafal Koran. Seeing this condition requested Umarpun Caliph Abu fuel to make the Qur'an Manuscripts. Abu bakar could object. "Are you asking me to do what the Prophet did not do?" He said. But with persistent Umar explained Manuscripts urgency in the interest of making the Muslims in the coming days. Finally, Abu Bakarpun be convinced and then agree with the idea of 'Umar ibn al-Khattab.
Abu Bakarpun then asked Zaid bin Haritha to perform this task. Zaid bin Haritha was time to say: "Are you asking me to do what the Prophet did not do?". But Zaidpun finally agreed and began collecting shahifah-sahhifah spread in the hands of the other Companions. Stones, leaves, bones, etc. are stored in the home Itupun Hafsa.
It was only at the time of Caliph Uthman ibn Affan, the Qur'an Manuscripts completion of 5 units. One stored Uthman and 4 others dispersed to: Mecca, Syria, Basra and Kufa. So at the time of the Companions, Successors tabi'it and thabi'i study of the Quran by rote because the number of Manuscripts very little.
What about the conditions today? When we look around us, among friends and our families, how many percent among those who memorized the Qur'an? What percentage are memorizing the Qur'an? Maybe we are hard to give a percentage as calculated by the fingers of our hands is not necessarily even all.
The Muslims are still quite content ourselves with reading the Qur'an Manuscripts and did not understand the meaning. And read the Quran just the beginning of interaction of Al Quran. Al-Quran as a guide for us is not enough to read but also be memorized and understood.
Maybe there are some who say why the need to memorize? Do not simply by reading and reading tarjemahan Manuscripts? Apparently not enough. By memorizing the Qur'an is "sense" (or zauk) that God gave to our hearts. Flavor is obtained because the verses are read over and over again. Kalam-kalam repetition of the sacred that is the "food" for the heart. And in accordance with paragraph at Al Baqarah: 97 above, the Qur'an was revealed at the heart of the Prophet Muhammad. Not in the sense his thoughts. Qur'an means that consumption / food is not merely reflections heart.
Pain is what makes us good to know God, understand His will and carry out all the light away from all the commands and prohibitions. "Pain" is not there also a little when we just read. Especially when reading it is not accompanied by understanding what it means. And reading is not repeated. The effect is very different from repeated them.
The Muslims now feel satisfied enough to read "blind" Al-Quran and studied from the ustadz, kiai and religious leaders. Without losing respect for the transmitter-transmitter of religious treatise, we as servants of God, as individuals also have an obligation to understand the Holy Quran from the original straight from the word-word.
When we memorize the Koran and mentadaburi God will teach us the knowledge through our hearts by means of inspiration. As Allah has said in the letter Ash-Shams verses 8-10:
"And inspired it (the road) wickedness and piety. Prosperous people who purify the soul, and indeed those who pollute merugilah. "

This inspiration can be felt in our hearts. Do not we ever confused about a problem, then at some point we, "chink" mememukan way to solve the problem properly. That inspiration.
Or the inspiration that as Furqan or anywhere distinguishing charitable-haq and which a false man. For example when we go into the immoral then our hearts will feel uneasy, uncomfortable. That was the warning from our hearts clean. Furqan is needed in life when the war with Shaitan whispers that persuade persuade us to do immoral by the lure of lucrative worldly. Therefore we need Furqan is that makes us know that haq steady and a false. As mentioned by Allaah in surat Al-Anfal verse 29:

O ye who believe, if you devoted to God, we will give you Furqan. and we will keep you from your mistakes, and forgive (sins) you. and God has a great gift.
Al Quran is also a guide / guide for our lives of the Muslims:

Book (Al Quran) is not any doubt; guidance for those who are devoted.
(Surat al-Baqara: 2)
So basically Al Qu'an is way of life. But only a handful of people who memorize and schools of the Qur'an. How the Qur'an can guide the life of an individual Muslim to read and understand it when it completely just yet done? And many among the Muslims who died in the state have never read the Koran thoroughly.
Imagine if we would go to the top of Mount Sumeru. Before we left we armed with maps, signs and instructions by a professional mountain climber. But we do not understand these instructions. Are we guaranteed to reach the top of the mountain semeru safely? We may prefer to ask the locals. When we met with people who really know the mountain semeru maybe we will arrive safely. But when we asked people also lack schools of the road to the top of the mountain, will we reach the top safely, or maybe we could get lost? And if we are to understand, guide, maps, and also ask then we will get a shortcut to get to the top of the mountain.
Indeed the solution is understanding the Koran will not be successful if the religious education system is not running intensive early. As an example of, the English language is taught since elementary school. So we see when graduating high school students can belajat from berbahas British diktat. If this system is also to diterpakan Arabic (as the core medium of understanding the Qur'an), then when he was 20-25 for a Muslim to have started to understand the Holy Quran to the independent.
O my brothers of the Muslims, to understand the Holy Quran is not Fardhu kifayah charged in clerical, kiai or ustadz. But as exemplified by his friends, read, memorize, understand and implement the Qur'an is the duty of each Muslim indivial. When a Muslim individual to increase the quality, family dibinanya will also berkulaitas and eventually a civil society that longs for it also can be realized.
Thus our reflections on the Holy Quran. May Allaah and hidayahNya to all of us so that we become people who love Al Quran, read it, memorize it, understand it and remove it.
Allaah shawab bi nature
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Opening prayer

Assalamualaikum wr wb,
Friends of the blessed God,
because there is an opening prayer asking Kultum, here I put one version of the prayer:
"All praise belongs to God. We ask His help, and ask His forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah from the evil and ugliness amalku myself.
Whoever is given the guidance of Allah there is no anyone that can be misleading, and whoever is led astray God no anyone that can be showed.
I testify that there is no god but Allah, I do not mengesakanNya and mempersekutukanNya.
And I testify that Muhammad is His servant and rosulNya, there is no prophet after him.
O God, give Sholawat, greetings and good over the prophet Muhammad, his family and friends. "
Hopefully useful.
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About me - Amateur Blogger

hello. my brother and sister, my name's TAUFAN RIDHO ADITOMO unemployment in Semarang was born March 26 of this 18 years ago, has completed his study exactly 12 years on June 13, 2009 yesterday. I am a "newcomer" in the world of bloggers. This was my first time creating / making / writing blogs. Ntar ntah what would I write on this blog, hopefully useful to you, religion, parents, homeland and nation. - Good taste
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